Craft News

Senior Group Officer and LCO Updates - Wellingborough and Rushden

Change of Senior Group Officer

After many years of excellent service to the Wellingborough and Rushden group of lodges, WBro Frank Brierley PAGDC will be retiring as Senior Group Officer on the 30th of April.

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WBro Frank Brierley PAGDC

Whilst working in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), Frank was initiated into King David Lodge No. 7471 in Salisbury, on the 7th of August 1957 and became Master in 1971. He subsequently joined Founder Lodge No. 2479 in 1993, becoming Master in 1999. He also joined Charter Lodge No. 7834 in 2000.

Frank served as District Senior Warden and Grand Treasurer for a considerable number of years and received his first Grand Rank of Past Grand Standard Bearer in April 1995.

On his return to England, Frank joined Pemberton Lodge on the 7th of March 2002 where he served as Assistant Secretary and Secretary between 2009 and 2016. Since being in this Province, Frank has made significant contributions to many other orders.

In 2010, RWBro Barrie Hall invited Frank to become a Group Officer for Wellingborough and Rushden, where he has served to this day. He was made Senior Group Officer in 2013, which was followed by a promotion in Grand Lodge in April 2019 to Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies.

Frank is well respected by his fellow Group Officers and in all the Rushden lodges, where he has been a frequent visitor over the years. We thank Frank for his outstanding service and wish him and his wife Valerie good health and happiness to be able to enjoy his retirement from this position.

WBro Frank will be succeeded by WBro John Rivett PAGDC.

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WBro John Rivett PAGDC

We wish WBro John all the very best in his new post.

Local Communication Officer (LCO) Update

We also confirm that after many years of excellent service as Local Communications Officer (LCO) for Wellingborough and Rushden (and more recently as Joint LCO with WBro Dan Cooke), WBro Trevor Cook has decided to retire from this role leaving WBro Dan to continue in his stead.

We send our grateful thanks to WBro Trevor for his significant contribution. Also, our best wishes to WBro Dan for the future.