Craft News

Senior Group Officer Retirement - WBro John Partridge PAGDC

WBro John Partridge PAGDC having recently retired from the role of Senior Group Officer for the Kettering and Thrapston group of lodges, a position he has served for some 10-years (16-years as a Group Officer in total), we are pleased to look back on his Masonic career and exemplary service thus far.

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WBro John was initiated into Cytringan Lodge No. 4048 in Kettering in 1985. His active involvement in Provincial matters stems from the period following his first time as Worshipful Master of Cytringan Lodge in 1994/1995, when his dedication and ambassadorship resulted him being appointed as a Provincial Grand Steward in 1996.

In 1997, John became the Cytringan Lodge Charity Steward, a post he held for 9-years. During that time, John guided the Lodge through the 2002 Festival and beyond.

Also in 1997, John was co-opted onto the Provincial Grand Charity executive. He was subsequently mentored by the late WBro David Bosworth, the then Provincial Grand Almoner, who took John under his wing as his assistant.

John’s eventual retirement from work gave him more free time, which prompted WBro David to suggest to the then Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Barrie Hall, that he might be a suitable successor to the role of Provincial Grand Almoner.

Accordingly, in May 2001, John was appointed as ProvGAlm and served as such until May 2011. During that period, the rules governing the Provincial Grand Charity required him to serve as the Charity’s secretary, a role he performed with great enthusiasm and dedication.

John’s hard work and commitment were subsequently rewarded with a Grand Rank appointment to Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies (PAGDC) in 2005. This coincided with his appointment as a Group Officer for Kettering & Thrapston that same year.

In 2011, a year after his appointment as a Director of York Rd Kettering Ltd, the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Max Bayes, promoted John to Senior Group Officer for Kettering and Thrapston.

All in all, WBro John’s Masonic career thus has spanned some 36-years, 25 of which have seen him play an active role at a Provincial level.

John is keen to acknowledge the fact that none of this would have been possible without the help and support of his wife, Helen. Right from the start, her assistance has not only benefitted him, but also Freemasonry in general. We have no doubt that is a sentiment many Masons can identify with.

John’s only disappointment thus far has been his inability to celebrate the Cytringan Lodge’s centenary, which was due to take place on the 3rd of June 2020 with WBro John occupying the Chair for a second time. Not only did the COVID pandemic prevent the event from taking place on that occasion, it also prevented if from taking place in June 2021. John has his fingers crossed that the event will take place in June 2022!

We send WBro John (and of course, Helen) our grateful thanks and best wishes for the future.