The Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Max Bayes, has been pleased to make the following Provincial Group Officer appointments, each appointee working within their respective Group Officer teams.
Kettering & Thrapston
WBro Chris Winfield ProvGOrg has been appointed as a new Group Officer for Kettering and Thrapston.
This follows the retirement of WBro Michael Branch PAGDC, who has provided many years of dedicated service.
WBro Alex Thomson PPGReg has been appointed as a new Group Officer for the Northampton Group of lodges
WBro Tony Elsey PProvJGW has been appointed as a new Group Officer for the Peterborough Group of lodges
WBro Rick Hill PProvAGDC has been appointed as a new Group Officer for the South West Group of Lodges
We congratulate them on their preferment and have no doubt that they will serve the Province well in their new role.
About Group Officers
The duties of a Group Officer are varied, but can be summarised as follows:
- To provide help and advice on Masonic matters
- To provide advice to Brethren in case of difficulty
- To communicate the Provincial Grand Master's policies
- They are most definitely NOT inspectors!
For additional information including the listing of Group Officers for every group and the lodges in those groups, please click the following link: