Craft News

Passing of WBro John Hanger PPJGW

It is with much sadness that we report the passing of WBro John Hanger PPJGW to the Grand Lodge Above on Tuesday the 1st of December 2020. He had not long celebrated his 101st birthday.

WBro John was an honorary member of both Cytringan Lodge No. 4048 and Perseverance Chapter No. 455. He served as a member of the Craft for over 59-years, and Holy Royal Arch, 57-years, achieving the rank of PPGSN in the latter.

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E Comp John receiving his Holy Royal Arch 50-year Golden Jubilee Certificate from the then Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E Comp Wayne Williams, in 2013

Fellow Cytringan Lodge member, WBro Richard Barlow, explained that on leaving school, WBro John worked at Wallis and Linnell in an administrative capacity before being called-up to serve in the army in the Second World War.

Although John denied seeing any frontline action, some of the stories he told evidenced his courage and bravery.

On his return from the army, John worked at Job Lee engineering as company secretary. All his work was done standing at a pedestal desk.

Following his retirement, John enjoyed taking holidays with his beloved wife Mary, often at Aldeburgh.

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WBro John with his wife, Mary

Following Mary’s passing, John looked after himself well into his nineties. It was only after a number of falls that he decided he needed some care and chose to go to Elm Bank Care Home in Kettering, where he met several of his compatriots and lived comfortably.

John continued to be sharp and quick-witted throughout his later years. He took no medication and was never a patient in hospital. 

On his 100th birthday, John entertained a number of friends. He was, of course, thrilled with his message from Her Majesty The Queen. 

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WBro John reading his 100th-birthday message from Her Majesty The Queen in 2019

Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 restrictions, John was not allowed visitors to celebrate his 101st birthday. He was, however, able to wave to his cherished goddaughter while she was stood on the lawn under his window.

John was a true gentleman who enjoyed his Masonry immensely and would always read his copy of Freemasonry Today. He most certainly lived respected and died regretted.

May he rest in peace.