Craft News

Grand Officer Investitures

Following-on from the announcement of the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Max Bayes, on the 10th of March 2019 (click here to view), we are delighted to announce that the investitures of WBro Mark Robert Constant (AsstProvGM - Designate) as Junior Grand Deacon, and WBro Robert Thomas Smith and WBro Timothy Joseph Almond as Past Assistant Grand Directors of Ceremonies took place at Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, London, on Wednesday the 24th of April 2019.

19 05 14 mark constant

WBro Mark Constant JGD, AsstProvGM (designate)

19 05 14 bob smith

WBro Bob Smith PAGDC

19 05 14 tim almond

WBro Tim Almond PAGDC

We once again congratulate these distinguished brethren on their preferments.