At the Provincial Grand Charity AGM on Saturday the 9th of March 2019, I announced details of the appointments and promotions to Grand Rank for 2019.
On behalf of the Province, I extend our sincere congratulations to the following brethren.
First Appointment - Active Grand Rank - Junior Grand Deacon
- WBro Mark Robert Constant PProvSGW, AsstProvGM (Designate) – Old Kimboltonians Lodge No. 7204
First Appointments - Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies
- WBro Timothy Joseph Almond PProvSGW – Towcestrian Lodge No. 9510
- WBro Robert Thomas Smith PPSGW - Wentworth Lodge No. 757
- WBro Andrew Joseph Pickwick PProvJGW (Oxon) - Waynflete Lodge No. 4452
Reappointments and Promotions
Our congratulations are also extended to the following brethren for their respective reappointments and promotions.
Reappointment as Deputy President of the Masonic Charitable Foundation:
- VWBro James Henry Newman OBE – Old Wellingburian Lodge No. 5570
- WBro Charles Anthony Bennett, PSGD, DepProvGM – De La Pre Lodge No. 1911 to Past Grand Sword Bearer, also making him VWBro
- WBro James Boughton, PSGD, MEGS – Heigham Lodge No. 8486 to Past Deputy Grand Sword Bearer
- WBro Lou Orsi, PAGDC, AsstProvGM - Lodge of St Paul No. 6516 to Past Senior Grand Deacon
- W.Bro Frank Leonard Brierley, PGStdB – Pemberton Lodge No. 3039 to Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies
I look forward to accompanying these brethren when they receive their respective preferments at the Annual Investiture meeting of Grand Lodge in April 2019.
RWBro Max Bayes
Provincial Grand Master