It was a memorable evening at the meeting of Vale of Nene Lodge No. 7006 on Wednesday the 11th of October 2017, when the Provincial Grand Master delivered a very special 50-Year Certificate to WBro Roy Bradley.
WBro Roy was initiated into the Lodge exactly 50 years previously, on the 11th of October 1967. He attained the Chair of King Solomon in his mother Lodge in 1983 and also served as Director of Ceremonies from 1987 to 1993. WBro Roy was also a member of Schola Regia, Palmer and Three Counties lodges, serving as Master in 2001, 2007 and 2005 respectively. In addition, he was Assistant Director of Ceremonies in Richard Sandbach Lodge of Research from 2000 to 2002.
WBro Roy attained the rank of Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden in 1994. He was further honoured with Grand Rank in 2002, when he was made Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies.
In addition to Craft, WBro Roy was an active member of The Royal Arch, being exalted into St Peter’s Chapter and holding the Provincial rank of Past Provincial Grand Scribe N.
In the degree of Mark Master Masons, WBro Roy was Provincial Assistant Grand Master during the time his brother-in-law, WBro Norman Manser, was Grand Master. He replaced WBro Norman as Mark PGM in 2000 and held the post until 2006.
Following the presentation, WBro Roy asked if he could address the Brethren.
He thanked the Provincial Grand Master for his kind words, and went on to explain that he had returned home to his wife after his initiation, told her that he hadn't been disappointed, and that he was going to enjoy Masonry.
WBro Roy gave special praise to his mother lodge, Vale of Nene, and promised continued attendance.