Craft News

WBro Gerry Crawford on BBC Radio Northampton

On Thursday the 5th of October 2017, the Provincial Grand Charity Steward, WBro Gerry Crawford, featured as a special guest on BBC Radio Northampton's Helen Blaby Show.

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WBro Gerry Crawford with Helen Blaby (click for larger image)

WBro Gerry updated Helen and the show's audience about the Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF) Community Awards allocated to a number of charities in the Province by public vote.

The Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Max Bayes, will present the awards on the 9th October 2017 at Northampton and the 11th of October 2017 at Peterborough.

WBro Gerry also explained how charity has always been at the heart of Freemasonry, which is celebrating its Tercentenary Anniversary.

Click below to listen to the full interview -


 Audio reproduced by kind permission of BBC Radio Northampton