WBro Richard Powell's Installation as Master of Lodge of Fidelity No. 445 took place on Wednesday the 4th of October 2017 at Towcester Masonic Hall; it proved to be a most memorable occasion.
WBro Paul Logan did a super job as Installing Master, and WBro Powell distinguished himself during the investiture of his officers, the remainder of the meeting, and the festive board.
WBro Martin Dimmock, Provincial Senior Grand Warden, attended the ceremony as the official representative of the Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Max Bayes.
All of the brethren present were most touched to hear that WBro Powell's "new" Master's apron had been given to him by Linda, the widow of WBro Mike Pusey, who was his proposer. WBro Pusey sadly passed away in 2013.
At the conclusion of the installation ceremony, WBro Trevor Sherman, a member of Piscator Lodge No. 7557, presented a historic Past Master's Jewel to WBro Powell, as a gift to the Lodge.
The jewel had originally been presented to WBro I.T. Wright, who was installed as Fidelity Master in 1957, some 60-years previously.
WBro Sherman explained how he first became associated with Lodge of Fidelity as a regular visitor, and how he had subsequently acquired the Jewel. He said,
I was Worshipful Master of Pomfret Lodge No, 360 in 2004. I had two personal ambitions at that time: to visit all the old 3-digit Lodges in the Province, and to start collecting Masonic Jewels and memorabilia
After explaining that he had continued to visit Lodge of Fidelity for a number of years, WBro Sherman went-on to say,
I was in contact at that time with a fellow collector in Staffordshire. He was cutting-down his collection and this was one of a number of items I acquired from him. He in turn had bought the jewel from an Antique Dealer in Toronto.
WBro Sherman suggested that the jewel, which, like all Past Masters' jewels, belonged to the Lodge, might be put to good use and presented to another Past Master, perhaps WBro Powell after his year in the Chair.
It was clear that WBro Sherman would welcome a well-deserved invitation to see that presentation being made!