Craft News
- Written by: John Fergusson
On Wednesday 8 February 2017, the Past Assistant Provincial Grand Master, VW Bro Wayne Williams, accompanied by W Bro David Tempest, W Bro David Todd and W Bro Stephen Addy from Lodge of Harmony headed down to the land of his birth to support one of their own Past Masters, W Bro Craig Davies, reigning Worshipful Master of Glantawe Lodge in the Province of South Wales. W Bro Craig was Worshipful Master of Lodge of Harmony in 2012.
The opportunity to see W Bro Craig initiate his brother in law was not one that they would pass up; they were not disappointed either as they were treated to an exemplary ceremony with some fine ritual. Bro Cook was of course blissfully unaware that W Bro Craig would be conducting the ceremony and was absolutely delighted at a family connection for his very special evening.
The evening was concluded with a very enjoyable Festive Board where the legendary Welsh hospitality was extended to all as Bro Cook was welcomed into Freemasonry.
The party from Lodge of Harmony are pictured below (from left to right): W Bro David Tempest, W Bro Stephen Addy, W Bro Craig Davies, VW Bro Wayne Williams & W Bro David Todd
- Written by: Simon Key
On Sunday the 15th of January 2017, The Corby Masonic Players, who are Freemasons or family and friends thereof, put on another show of their latest production, Jack & the Beanstalk, for the local community.
This was a special extra performance of the pantomime to kick off the Tercentenary events that the Corby Freemasons have planned. This free performance proved very popular with a hunded and sixty adults and children filling the Masonic Hall.
The audience members had no connection with the Masonic community - their attendance was as a result of local advertising. Every child received a festive selection box and free drinks/snacks were distributed to everyone that attended during the interval.
The Corby Masonic Players had previously held two other packed shows for Corby Freemasons, their families and friends. During each of these performances a raffle was held, which raised a total of £332 for Teddies for Loving Care.
WBro Jack C. Summerfield, the director and Panto Dame, said, “We have been putting-on an annual pantomime since 2006, but this is the first year that we opened our doors to the non-Masonic community”. He added, “The feedback has been fantastic. Everyone left with a smile on their face and hopefully a positive memory of Freemasonry.”
- Written by: Simon Key
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- Written by: Simon Key
During his year as the Worshipful Master of Coritani Lodge - one of the five Masonic Lodges which meet in Daventry - WBro Max Reynolds held a number of social and sporting events to raise funds in support of several national and local charities which are close to his family's heart. One such charity is Breast Cancer Care.
Max's wife, Muriel, considers herself fortunate to be a survivor of breast cancer having undergone a mastectomy and reconstructive surgery almost eight years ago. Max and Muriel were therefore very pleased to be able to present a cheque for £1,500 to the local area representative of Breast Cancer Care, Nikki Swindell.