Craft News
- Written by: Rob Taylor
On Tuesday the 25th July 2017, Mr. Daniel Saxton, Head of Business Services at Papworth Hospital, received a cheque for £6,000 on behalf of Papworth Hospital Charity.
The cheque was presented by Mrs. Sue Hurd and RWBro Barrie Hall, PProvGM. The presentation took place at Peterborough Masonic Centre. Mrs. Hurd is the widow of WBro Steve Hurd, who was a member of Petriburg Lodge No. 8767.
The money raised included donations from the follow lodges/chapters -
- St Peter's Lodge No. 442
- Peterborough & Counties Lodge No. 2996
- St Crispin Lodge No. 5627
- Risdene Lodge No. 6532
- Vale of Nene Lodge No. 7006
- Petriburg Lodge No. 8767
- Thomas Deacon Lodge No. 9126
- Dr Oliver Chapter No. 3964
The following members also made individual contributions -
- WBro John Humphreys
- WBro Mervin Roberts
- Written by: Michael Genner
Every year, Masons from the several lodges meeting in Daventry get together to make a joint donation to a local recipient chosen by the Worshipful Master of each lodge in turn.
This year it fell to the Worshipful Master of Coritani lodge, WBro David Smith to select the beneficiary and David chose the "Friends of Danetre Hospital".
WBro David’s mother in law is one of the unfortunately growing numbers of people suffering from Alzheimers and he requested the hospital direct the £3,000 donation to support those suffering from this dreadful illness.
The photograph above shows WBro David Smith and his wife Liz presenting a cheque to Bro Chris Long, the Chairman of Friends of Danetre Hospital, who is himself a member of Danetre Lodge in Daventry. Also looking on is WBro Dick Godwin, the Senior Group Officer for the South West of the Province, who co-ordinates the annual donation.
- Written by: Simon Key
There has been a change of Local Communications Officer for Peterborough, with WBro Craig Bunday now taking over from WBro Russell Laxton, who has made a significant contribution for many years.
WBro Craig Bunday was initiated into Fitzwilliam Lodge 2533 in 2005. He progressed through the various lodge offices before serving as Worshipful Master for the 2015/16 Masonic year. He was appointed as a Provincial Grand Steward in May 2017 and is to become Mentoring Co-ordinator for Fitzwilliam Lodge later this year. Exalted into St Peter’s Chapter in 2015, he is also a member of Norman Rolfe Lodge of Mark Master Masons.
Originally from The Midlands, WBro Craig met his wife Sarah when he lived in Swindon, before subsequently moving to Peterborough with his business. He runs his own graphic design company and also presents a weekday radio show for PCR 103.2FM in Peterborough.
We thank WBro Russell Laxton for all his past hard work and wish WBro Craig Bunday the very best in his new role.
- Written by: John Fergusson
It is with great sadness that we report the death of WBro Rev Canon Frank Eustace Pickard, PAGChap who passed to the Grand Lodge above on Wednesday 5 July 2017 at the age of 86.
WBro Pickard was initiated into De La Pre Lodge 8 February 1979 and duly became Worshipful Master of the Lodge in November 1985. He served the Lodge as Chaplain on three separate occasions. Outside of this Province, he was also a member of Forest Hill Lodge in London and became their Worshipful Master in October 1992. He was also a member of Grand Junction Lodge as well as being an Honorary Member of Waynflete, Towcestrian, Lodge of Unity, Sulgrave, Beneventa, Burghley, Gates of Billing, Salcey Forest and Hinchingbrooke Lodges.
WBro Pickard was honoured with an appointment to Grand Rank in April 1987 when he was appointed as Assistant Grand Chaplain. He received a first Provincial appointment in May 1988 when he was appointed as Provincial Grand Chaplain; a post that he held for 5 years until May 1993. In May 2008, WBro Pickard was reappointed as Provincial Grand Chaplain for a further three years.
WBro Pickard was equally active in the Holy Royal Arch, being exalted into Eleanor Cross Chapter in December 1982 and went on to become the Chapter's First Principal in 1995. He also served Waynflete Chapter's First Principal in 2002 and Forest Hill Chapter's First Principal in 2003. In 1998, he was appointed as Provincial 3rd Grand Principal and this was an appointment he held until June 2000. In due time, he was honoured with an appointment to Supreme Grand Chapter in April 2007 when he was appointed as Past Grand Standard Bearer.
W Bro Pickard was a very hard working and popular figure around the Province who will be sorely missed by all those who knew him.