Craft News
- Written by: Craig Bunday
We are saddened to announce the passing of WBro David Balmer PPSGW to the Grand Lodge Above.
WBro David was a Peterborough Group Officer and a member of Vale of Nene Lodge. He was well-liked and well-respected by all who knew him.
- Written by: Peter Robinson
Back in May, at the height of the COVID-19 lockdown, 39-lodges across the Province entered teams into the Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire Inter-Lodge Quiz.
The culmination of this superb event was a final-match on Thursday the 2nd of July that saw Sartoris Lodge No. 9497 from Rushden declared as Inter-Lodge Quiz Champions of 2020, and Silverstone Lodge No. 9877 as worthy runners-up.
- Written by: Peter Robinson
On Thursday the 16th July 2020, WBro Ged Dempsey was both delighted and honoured to represent The 3 Pillars - Feeding the Homeless Trust at a meeting of the Light Project Peterborough attended by HRH The Duke of Cambridge.
- Written by: Gerry Crawford
With the help of the Masonic Charitable Foundation, local Freemasons have made a grant of £10,000 to provide a much-needed update to the emergency radio network of Northamptonshire RAYNET.
The Radio Amateurs' Emergency Network UK, known as RAYNET, is a British voluntary communications service provided by amateur radio operators.