Craft News
Last December (2020), WBro Steve Mills presented a cheque for £500 to Cynthia Spencer Hospice on behalf of Grey Friars Lodge No. 4990.
- Written by: Gerry Crawford
The Provincial Bonus Ball Lottery has been launched by the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Max Bayes.
The list of each week's winners will be published as a news article on the Provincial website starting 30th January 2021.
- Written by: Jack Summerfield
Thanks to the fantastic work of a number of volunteers who gave their time and expertise free of charge; also, the tireless management committee led by Senior Group Officer WBro Jim Spence PAGDC, the Corby Masonic Complex has undergone significant refurbishment.
- Written by: Peter Robinson
On Monday the 21st of December 2020, the second in a series of Silver Jubilee Lectures was hosted online by Richard Sandbach Lodge of Research (RSLoR) No. 9600.
The lecture, which was titled The Influences That Crafted Freemasonry, was wonderfully presented by the Worshipful Master of RSLoR, WBro Dickon Sandbach PAGDC.