Craft News
- Written by: Peter Robinson
The Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Mark Constant announced as part of his address at The Three Counties Installation meeting on Monday 28th October 2024, the support of our Province for The Maggie's Cancer Care charity.
The main details and most importantly, information on how Lodges can play their part, is included within the following leaflet:
- Written by: William Caswell
The 2024 PROVINCIAL LECTURE COMPETITION is open to all Master Masons for the best NEW lecture to be 10 to 20 mins in length. (2- 3000 words).
Preferably to include audience participation and / or visual aids.
- Written by: John Napper
It did at Hinchingbrooke Lodge No 9282 on Friday 18th October when WBro Albert Bareham, the first second-time Master for Hinchingbrooke conducted the Lodges’ first ‘double-first’ ceremony, Bros Matthew White and Ryan Wooley.
- Written by: Mark Peter Titterton
Congratulations to WBro Eddie Storey PProvAGDC of Unity Lodge No. 9495 in Corby who last night received 'The Silver Matchbox' award from The Emulation Lodge of Improvement in London, having delivered a perfect Initiation Ceremony.