The Towcester Youth Coffee House Project runs a drop in centre for children of secondary school age. It is located close to the biggest concentration of social housing in Towcester and a primary school where 20% of pupils qualify for free school meals.
The Coffee Shop exists to provide a safe environment for children and young people in which they can develop their physical, mental and social skills, reduce the instance of anti-social behaviour and underage drinking caused by lack of recreational facilities.
On Wednesday 23rd March 2016 as Freemasonry approaches its three hundred year anniversary, Towcester Freemasons presented a cheque for £1,000 to the Youth Coffee House Charity Chairman Miss Charlie Fagan and Vice Chairman Mrs Pauline Bains.
L to R
WBro Richard Stokes, WBro Graham Minett, Mrs Pauline Bains, Miss Charlie Fagan, WBro Andy Lowe, WBro Chris Mullen, at the back WBro Bob Cox.
The Coffee Shop has always relied on raising its money from the local community and on the participation of volunteers to keep running costs to a minimum and keep its doors open. The Coffee Shop is currently raising funds for renovation and redevelopment of the facility to increase the opening times and ensuring it will remain as a volunteer based organisation whose operational costs are funded entirely from local contributions.