Craft News

First Provincial Membership Officer Appointed

16 03 15 john pmo pic
The Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Max Bayes, is pleased to announce that he has appointed W Bro John Fergusson as the Province's first Provincial Membership Officer (PMO).

The role of the PMO is part of the recommendations from UGLE’s Membership Focus Group (MFG) and the purpose is to help improve attraction, selection, mentoring, care for members and retention rates as well as providing assistance to Lodges in developing and implementing a membership strategy, with a view to attracting suitable candidates. The PMO will also help to identify and share ‘best practice’ which is expected to have a positive impact on candidate growth/retention.

W Bro Fergusson commented "I am very honoured to have been appointed to this role and am really looking forward to the work which lies ahead."