It was the members of Fidelity Lodge no. 445, who agreed to sponsor a new lodge to accommodate the expanding membership from the Daventry area, who until then, had had to travel by horse or foot, to lodges in Northampton or Towcester.
Hence on the 27th February 1891, Beneventa lodge no. 2380 was consecrated at the Wheat Sheaf Hotel, located at the top of Sheaf St. Daventry (now a Residential Care Home), by the PGM, Bro. Rt. Hon. The Earl of Euston with Bro F Billingham as the first Worshipful Master.
The lodge name was taken from the early Roman settlement of Bannaventa, (According to the manuscript ‘Roman d’Alexandre’ in the Bodleian library to be the British home of St Patrick), at the North end of Borough Hill, on the outskirts of Daventry, which ultimately became the present day village of Norton.
WM, Wardens, Officers and members of Beneventa Lodge
125 years later, Beneventa Lodge has in turn, gone on to spawn its own daughter lodges – with, in July 1895, England Centre Lodge no. 2555, originally located in Weedon but now meeting in Northampton, as well as all of the current Lodges that meet at the Daventry Masonic Centre – which, since it moved out of the Wheatsheaf in 1972, is now located at No. 14 The High St.
In May 1966, Coritani Lodge no. 8079 – Nov 1974, Danetre Lodge no. 8594 – Sept 1980, Buckby Castle Lodge no. 8932 and most recently in Oct 1993, the Lodge of the Oldest Ally no. 9524.
All of Brethren meeting at Daventry owe a debt of gratitude to Beneventa Lodge.
To mark their ‘Birthday’ on the correct day, the WM, WBro John Henley, asked the Secretary, WBro Peter Darby to call an extra meeting, which being under Dispensation, the only labour was to Initiate a new Candidate - Mr Ian Taylor.