Craft News

Crazy Hats

Due to tremendous support from the Brethren of the Old Northamptonians throughout WBro Colin Reid's Year £4,000 was raised for the Masonic Building Fund and Crazy Hats, a local Breast Cancer based in Wellingborough Crazy Hats.

Crazy Hats

The picture shows WBro Tom Smith ASecretary. of Risdene Lodge and husband of Heather Smith the Chair of Crazy Hats accepting a cheque for £2,000.00 from WBro Colin Reid the IPM of the Old Northamptonians.

Also in the picture are (L-R) WBro Steve Squires the Secretary of Risdene Lodge also a member of Crazy Hats, and the current WM of Old Northamptonians WBro Jem Blason.