Craft News

50 Years Certificate Presentation for WBro Ken Stanley

WBro Ken Stanley was presented with his 50 years Certificate on the 1st February.

Present at the occasion were WBro Ken’s daughter Kathy, his son John, WBro Don Willis and Almoners WBro Robin Hitchcock of Buckby Castle and WBro William Mead of Beneventa.

WBro Ken Stanley 50th Certificate Presentation

WBro Don Willis, Kathy, WBro Ken Stanley and John

WBro Ken was initiated into Beneventa Lodge in January 1966, WBro Don Willis was initiated at their March Meeting in 1966, and being close Masonic friends ever since it was most appropriate that WBro Don presented WBro Ken's 50 years Certificate. The occasion was deeply appreciated by WBro Ken and brought back many happy memories of his Masonic career.

WBro Ken was a Founder Member of Buckby Castle Lodge No 8932.