Craft News

Lord Northampton Visit

Masonic buildings continue to be a concern to the fraternity as a whole and Grand Lodge is rightly concerned about future maintenance costs. Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire has applied themselves to this problem over the past couple of years and much has already been achieved in a number of our centres; this will continue with what will shortly be happening in a planned move in Huntingdon from a High Street location to a Business Park on the edge of town.

The single most significant event was the move from the Provincial Headquarters at St George's Avenue in Northampton to a customised former school building on an industrial edge of Town site. Our efforts have been noticed by the Rulers and we are now asked for advice by other Provinces.

It was a great delight for RW Bro Max Bayes, the Provincial Grand Master, to recently welcome the Past Pro Grand Master, Most W Bro Lord Northampton and his new wife for a view of our Provincial Centre at Sheaf Close.

Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Max Bayes in the main lodge room at Sheaf Close with Past Pro Grand Master, Most W Bro Lord Northampton

The Marquess was most impressed and offered congratulations to all who contributed to make the whole project such a success. The current Assistant Grand Master, Rt W Bro Sir David Wootton, has also expressed interest in making a visit and, the Provincial Grand Master is now making arrangements for this to happen. The Provincial Grand Master commented

It is good to know that our efforts are recognised and that our advice for similar projects throughout the country is now being sought.