At the Annual Meeting of the Provincial Grand Charity on Saturday 14 March 2015 the Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Max Bayes, was delighted to announce the following Appointments/Promotions/Reappointments to Grand Lodge which will take place on Wednesday 29 April 2015.
Receiving First Appointments to the rank of Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies
WBro Trevor Cooke, Provincial Grand Registrar, Abington Lodge No 8041
- WBro Jerry Higgins, Past Provincial Senior Warden, Old Wellingburian Lodge No 5570
WBro James Spence, Past Provincial Senior Warden, Thistle & Rose Lodge No 6644
WBro David Watson, Provincial Grand Treasurer, Lodge of Perseverance No 455
Receiving Promotions
- WBro Barry Cole, Ferraria Lodge No 9278, to Past Junior Grand Deacon
- VWBro James Newman, Old Wellingburian Lodge No 5570, being reappointed as President of the RMBI
We send our sincere congratulations to all these Brethren.