Craft News

Star of Saxony Lodge Member Raised in Peterborough

Bro David Thompson was initiated into the Star of Saxony Lodge No 853, under the Grand Lodge of British Freemasons in Germany, within the United Grand Lodges of German Brotherhood of Freemasons, on the 9 October 2013. He was passed in the same Lodge on 15 January 2014. 

However after a posting Afghanistan he returned to Aldershot and was eventually invalided out of the army.  He now lives in Lincoln. As a consequence of all of this it seemed that he would never be raised to sublime degree of a Master Mason.

(l to r) WBro Bound, WBro John Mills (WM Vale of Nene), VWBro Dr Viv Thomas DPGM, Bro David Thompson, VWBro Tom Culpeck PSGW & WBro Iain Griffin (WM Fitzwilliam Lodge)

A senior member of the Star of Saxony Lodge, VWBro Tom Culpeck PSGW, a friend of our DPGM, VWBro Dr Viv Thomas for 30 years, contacted him to try and arrange the raising of Bro Thompson.  This was finally arranged to take place on Wednesday 11 February at the Vale of Nene Lodge No 7006 and this also coincided with the reciprocal visit from their mother lodge, The Fitzwilliam Lodge No 2533.

Bro David Thompson was raised to the sublime degree of a master mason by the past Masters of the Lodge with the traditional history delivered by VWBro Dr Viv Thomas and the working tools by WBro Brian Gebbels, also members of the Star of Saxony Lodge. A star of Saxony breast jewel was also presented by the current Worshipful Master of the Star of Saxony Lodge WBro Gareth Bound.  Twenty six members of the Lodge came over to support Bro David on his raising.  There were also sixteen members from the Fitzwilliam Lodge.