Craft News

500th Meeting & Banner Re-Dedication

The Lodge of St George has celebrated their 500th meeting on 7 January 2015, with a 2nd Degree ceremony, followed by a banner re-dedication. The WM, Bro Danny Hunt carried out a fine ceremony and passed Bro Mark Rigby to the 2nd degree.

PGM, RWBro Max Bayes, then took the chair and conducted a very enjoyable banner re-dedication. The Lodge was also treated to a short presentation of some of the history behind the Lodge of St George by the ProvGChaplain WBro Rev Ray Hemmingway.  (A more detailed history can be found here.)

There were in excess of 120 brethren present to support the Lodge on this very special night and the banner re-dedication team did a superb job, with excellent support from Grand Lodge Officers and Provincial Grand Lodge officers. To see the Lodge and Festive board packed to capacity was a wonderful sight.


WM, W.Bro Danny Hunt, with the Provincial Grand Master and the newly dedicated banner.