Prior to the Vale of Welland Lodge No.8845, Installation meeting on Monday 10th March at Stamford Masonic Centre. Pro Musica Lodge No.9547 member W.Bro Alisdair MacDonald Prov GSwdB, presented a cheque for £200 towards Teddies for Loving Care (TLC) to the Provinces TLC Coordinator, W.Bro Francis Margôt, AsstProvGM. This money was raised at the Peterborough Masonic Burns night on 18th January 2025.
W.Bro Alisdair plays the bagpipes at this, and many other similar event in this, and other Provinces. The Burns event has been going for over 20 years and has raised in excess of £20,000 for the Ellindon centre. Our AsstProvGM said “TLC is a much loved Masonic charity with wonderful feedback & testimonies throughout the local communities”.
A second donation is to be be made towards the Maggies appeal in the next few weeks from WBro Alisdair’s bagpiping services to the Sum of £525. This money was kindly raised in the form of a donation by Sothius Lodge No.8774 and its Master, Ailwyn Lodge No.3535, St Mary Lodge No.7898 (Lincolnshire} and St Philips Lodge No.7116 (Sheffield). All of these Burns nights were well supported and the brethren had an enjoyable evening, remembering the Scottish poet and lyricist. All washed down by a nice, smooth single malt!