"Over 100 masons attended the Lodge of St James No 6838 February meeting, “Pummie night", held in honour of the late WBro Pummie Matharu, whose idea it was to have such an evening encouraging visiting.
After having welcomed the Official Representative of the Provincial Grand Master, WBro Peter Whitworth, ProvGStB, the main business of the meeting was to Pass Bro Tanup Patel. The ritual was of the highest standard led by the Worshipful Master Tej Sehmi. Particular mention should be made of Bro Robert Brame, who as well as organising the festive board for over 100 as senior steward, delivered an excellent second degree tracing board. Also, there cannot be many fellowcrafts who can say they received their explanation of the second degree working tools from a Past Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Max Bayes delivering the extended version in his usual impeccable manner.
The lodge voted to donate £1000 to the Maggies appeal and the charitable giving continued in the festive board, with the main raffle and a separate raffle for two bottles of chilli gin, raising a combined sum of over £1,300 to go to the Three Pillars charity.
This is a great example of how much money is raised by Lodges, outside of that raised for the MCF and Provincial Grand Charity, for local and national charities from raffles, Ladies' Nights, social events and sponsored activities. It is the intention of the Northampton Local Communication Officers, WBro Geoff Willis and WBro Tim Mills, to collate how much the Northampton Lodges have donated this year, to highlight the amount and the broad range of recipients. Your help will be appreciated with this."