The Provincial Office is now closed till the 2nd of January. We wish everyone a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year!

Craft News

Sothius Lodge No8774 Ladybird Boat Trip

Sothius Lodge No8774 (St Ives) put all hands to the pump to keep ‘The Ladybird Boat’ trip afloat for members of the St Ives day-care centre. The Ladybird Boat Trust at Hartford Marina provides wheelchair access boat trips and lunch throughout the summer to groups of the disadvantaged and elderly from the local area. Cuts in Council funding meant trips were out this year.

WBro Gordon Cox (Almoner), Angela Leach (Volunteer), WM Mark Coverdale, Barry Sheard (Volunteer), and WBro Mark Bramley (Charity Steward)

The Centre approached PGC who got in contact with Sothius Lodge who raised £500 at summer events which was kindly increased by Province to £1000.00 allowing the trips to go full steam ahead.

WBro Mark Coverdale (right) chats with St Ives Day-Care members