On Friday 8th September 2023 Eleanor Cross Lodge performed the initiation ceremony of Mr Lewis Howard, son of WBro Barry Howard.
The lodge was privileged to welcome the Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Mark Constant, as a personal guest, together with many Grand and active Provincial Officers and members of the Light Blues Club.
The meeting was conducted in a superb manner by the WM Jake Ogden. WBro Barry Howard took the chair to obligate his son, with the WM resuming the chair to entrust the candidate. The Junior Deacon, Bro Matt Sturgess took care of the candidate in a confident and exemplary manner. The Senior Warden, Bro Tom McCredie, presented the entered apprentice’s apron, the North East corner section was delivered by regular visitors WBro Paul Sparks and WBro John Ferguson and WBro Geoff Willis presented the Working Tools to his godson.
The charge after initiation was delivered wonderfully by two junior brethren, Bro Jordan Davies and Bro Luke Howard, the candidate’s oldest brother.
The Festive Board was a convivial occasion with good food and company. The toast to the initiate was given by his father. Bro Lewis was born when WBro Barry was in the chair for the first time in 2000, and although it might have seemed inevitable that he would join freemasonry, having been so christened, WBro Barry explained that although Lewis had been slightly interested, it was the information evening held by Anglo Scottish Lodge, and in particular Bro Anthony Henderson, of Lodge of St John, which persuaded Lewis that this was a great organisation to join and something that would be enjoyable for a young man. WBro Barry thanked Bro Henderson and the brethren of Anglo Scottish Lodge who organised that evening.
The initiate’s song was sung beautifully by WBro John Simpson and the Lodge Tyler, WBro Stan Brown, gave a wonderful explanation of the chain.
The hard work of the lodge members made it a very happy and memorable occasion for all those present.