The Provincial Members Pathway Team were delighted with the attendance at each of the Members Pathway Roadshows held at Sheaf Close, Northampton and the Peterborough Masonic Centre.
A total of over 240 members from around Northamptonshire & Huntingdonshire attended the events to receive a comprehensive presentation outlining the Membership Challenge for our Province.
Those attending were asked to complete a survey with their feedback and this has provided some insightful information allowing the team to prioritise its future support and assistance across the Province.
Key highlights of the feedback include:
94% of attendees confirmed they understand the Pro Grand Masters ‘7 year Strategy’.
95% of attendees confirmed they understand how the Membership Challenge applies to our Province.
99% of attendees confirmed they understand the importance of having a Lodge Membership Team and who the key members should be.
Lodge Membership Teams were asked to prepare Lodge Profile Documents, a Lodge Membership Policy and a Mentoring Plan with many of those attending expecting to be able to have these ready for the start of the new masonic season.
Jonathan Hibbins, Provincial Grand Membership Officer has been delighted with the number of Open Days and White Table events held throughout the Province during the year.
The Provincial Membership team are keen to support all such events with a Branded Outdoor Gazebo and Banners, Table Presentations and `Discover Freemasonry` printed information.
Provincial Grand Mentor, Alex Thomson,who was encouraged by the positive engagement of the Brethren, has taken on board the constructive feedback provided and intends to fine tune future events to reflect these.
Some of the comments received include: “too much information or too many slides” “not enough time in the breakout sessions” “some corporate speak”
In terms of challenges being faced by the Lodge Membership Teams, feedback received included:
“buy in from senior lodge members” “maintaining interest in newer masons” “finding the right local candidates” “support from the whole lodge will be needed”.
The majority of the feedback received was extremely positive as well as some most helpful suggestions on how to improve future events, including:
“Bring the roadshows to the centres” “share best practice” “keep sessions shorter” “distribute pre-reading so more time can be spent sharing ideas” “smaller groups”
Those attending expressed their personal highlights to include:
“a sense of feeling included” “chance to share ideas with other mentors” “understanding lodge targets & how they fit the bigger picture” “being around so many focused brethren”
Everyone attending the events agreed the key message that “Membership is a Team Effort” and accepted that Lodges need to manage their own membership strategy. However, the Provincial Membership Team will be working extensively with Group Officers and Lodges going forward to provide whatever support is required.
The Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Mark Constant concluded:
“ With so many `positives` coming out of these events, I am confident the Province will come together and rise to the Membership Challenges we face”.
Video of the event below:
To view the video fullscreen, please click the play button followed by the control in the bottom right-hand corner of the window