On Thursday the 11th of May 2023, at the meeting of Lactodorum Lodge No. 8526, WBro Barry Pilkington PPGReg was presented with a Golden Jubilee Certificate in recognition of his 50-years of service to Freemasonry. The presentation was made on behalf of the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Mark Constant, by WBro Bob Cox PAGDC.
From left, Bro Mark Sparham (SW), WBro Bob Cox PAGDC (DC), WBro Barry Pilkington PPGReg (ASec), WBro Paul Weatherley (WM), and Bro Jeff Wells (JW)
Having been born in Northampton in 1949, WBro Barry is extremely proud of his Scottish roots, particularly the fact that both his grandfather and great-grandfather on his mother’s side were members of the Lodge Minto No. 385, which meets at the Masonic Hall in Lochgelly, Fife.
During the 1960s, whilst working in Scotland, WBro Barry’s father, Bro Chuck Pilkington, was also a member of the Lodge Minto. He subsequently moved south and joined Philbrick Lodge No, 2255, which meets in Chingford, in the Province of Essex.
With Freemasonry clearly in his blood, WBro Barry was initiated into Philbrick Lodge on the 16th of May 1973. He was Passed on the 20th of June 1974 and Raised on the 6th of February 1974. By that time he was working as a Police Constable at Mere Way, Northampton having briefly flirted with training as a teacher and the Probation Service before settling on a career with Northamptonshire Police.
WBro Barry’s career in policing continued for some thirty years, including a period when he was a member of the police’s underwater search team. He concluded his police service in 2000, retiring as a schools' liaison officer.
Outside of work during the 1970s, WBro Barry also found time to remain an active member of the Gilwell Service Team, thus maintaining his Essex connection and the friendships he had forged at Avery Hill College of Education in Eltham.
In November 1987, with increasing work demands and a young family, WBro Barry left Philbrick Lodge and joined Lactodorum Lodge No. 8526 in the Province of Northants and Hunts. He became Steward in October 1993, Inner Guard in 1995, and then progressed through the various offices to become Worshipful Master in Oct 2000.
After leaving the Master’s Chair, WBro Barry served Lactodorum Lodge in various offices including Tyler, Assistant Secretary (twice), and Secretary from 2004 to 2010. He was also a Founder Member of both Grand Junction Lodge No. 9775 and the Lodge of United Services No. 10012; the latter having been consecrated in January 2022.
As a result of his active involvement in the Craft, WBro Barry’s received a first Provincial appointment to Past Provincial Junior Grand Deacon in May 2006 followed by promotions to Past Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works in 2011 and Past Provincial Grand Registrar in 2016.
In the Royal Arch, E Comp Barry was exalted into the Chapter of Fidelity No. 445 in September 1999, progressing through the various offices to MEZ in 2012. He subsequently served as Almoner for three years from 2016 to 2019. His current Provincial Grand Chapter rank is PPGSoj.
We thank WBro Barry for his contribution to Freemasonry and look forward to seeing him receive his Diamond Jubilee Certificate in another 10-years' time!