The Lodge of St Paul No.6516 held a most successful `Discover Freemasonry` evening on Tuesday 11th April 2023 at York Road, Kettering, with over 80 brethren and gentlemen present.
A short regular lodge meeting for Lodge members and visitors was held to transact essential business at the start of the evening, whilst invited gentlemen and their hosts met in the lounge, before joining together in the main Lodge Room for a number of presentations under the `Discover Freemasonry` initiative led by the Provincial Grand Membership Officer, WBro. John Fergusson.
The Official Visitor for the evening was The Assistant Provincial Grand Master, WBro. Mike Caseman- Jones, accompanied by WBro. Peter Godfrey, Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies.
WBro. Mike gave a most informative presentation on the history of Freemasonry, its role and importance today, and also included personal details on how he came to join and the difference it has made in his life.
Then followed short talks from WBro. John McGrath, Bro. Bryan Walters and Bro Hiten Patel, with their own thoughts on friendships made, charity, the many social activities of the `Light Blues` Club (NHNYMC website link) and many other topics, which were very well received.
Lodge of St Paul’s Membership Officer WBro Jason Harris, Secretary WBro Alex Robertson and IPM WBro Mark Titterton approached the Provincial Grand Membership Officer with the offer to host a Discover Freemasonry event which then developed with great support from the Lodge of St Paul membership, the wider Kettering & Thrapston group of Lodges, together with the Provincial Membership team, headed by WBros. John Fergusson and Jonathon Hibbins.
WBro. John Fergusson said, `I am absolutely delighted with such a positive and successful `Discover Freemasonry` evening in Kettering, with 28 gentlemen attending. It was fun, informative and with great feedback from the gentlemen. Congratulations to the Lodge of St Paul for hosting the evening and also to the Kettering & Thrapston group for such strong support.
Watch this space, there are more `Discover Freemasonry` evenings coming.”
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