Craft News

Provincial Grand Charity AGM 2023

The Annual General Meeting of the Provincial Grand Charity of Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire took place at the Griggs Centre, Sheaf Close, Northampton on Saturday the 11th of March 2023 and was well attended by brethren throughout the Province.

Before the meeting, WBro Mick Warren, Assistant Provincial Grand Charity Steward, was pleased to present to The Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro. Mark Constant a cheque for £1,000 towards the 2024 MCF Festival from the sale of Provincial merchandise.

In addition to the usual business of the meeting, both the Charity’s Chairman, VWBro Charles Bennett and President PGM RWBro Mark Constant praised the work of WBro John Rivett who was retiring after 7 years as the Charity`s Secretary. He will be succeeded by WBro Dr Kevin Williams, who has been a committee member for a number of years.

WBro Gerry Crawford, Provincial Grand Charity Steward, highlighted in his address the need for Lodges to support the Charity to enable it to maintain its important charity work. With one year remaining of the 2024 MCF Festival, he also stressed the need for Lodges to maximise donations as, in a year’s time, it would be too late!

During the meeting, the brethren in attendance were pleased to receive a most interesting and thought-provoking presentation from Mark Lloyd, Managing Director, RMBI Care Company Ltd on the subject of `RMBI our success for Freemasonry and our ambition for the future`. 

Mark`s presentation highlighted details of the several projects they have in play to up date their stock of Care homes, including the recently completed new home (as above) Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh Court, Sindlesham, Berkshire and further plans for Devonshire Court, Oadby, Leics.