Craft News

50 Year Jubilee Presentation at Petriburg Lodge

At the Christmas meeting of Petriburg Lodge on Friday 09th December 2022, W. Bro. David Burton, PAPGM, was delighted to be able to present a 50 year Jubilee certificate to W. Bro. John Roderick Flavell Sumner.

W. Bro John had been a good friend to him personally over the years, and as a founding member of the lodge, he was one of the stewards responsible at the Consecration meeting, along with W. Bro. George Martin who was Chief Steward. In those days, the stewards had a little more work, and were responsible for ordering the supplies, operating the bar, setting up the tables, and even serving drinks throughout the meals. At the Christmas meetings, they carved the beef at the tables.

W. Bro. John produced a book in 2016 of the history of Petriburg Lodge which was published in a limited edition and sold out quickly.
David said ‘without the guidance of our founders, I doubt the lodge would be as successful as it is today. Freemasonry in Peterborough was indebted to John for his commitment over the past 50 years.

W. Bro John Sumner was initiated into Vale of Nene Lodge on 13th December 1972. As mentioned, he was a founder member of Petriburg Lodge in April 1977 and held every office from Steward to Worshipful Master which he held in 1985. He had been Assistant Director of Ceremonies for one year, Director of Ceremonies for four years, and Charity Steward for four years.

He had been a member of the Lodge of Installed Masters since 2006 and a member of St Peter’s Chapter for 40 years.

W. Bro John still demonstrates his dedication to the lodge by travelling from just outside Bedford to Peterborough for the meeting.