It is with a heavy heart that I bring you the sad news that Past Master and Honorary Member of the Lodge of St Paul No 6516, W.Bro Geoff Bollard PPSGW, has passed to the Grand Lodge Above.
WBro Geoff Bollard PPSGW on the presentation of his Jubilee Certificate in recognition of 50-years in Freemasonry by WBro Michael Branch PAGDC in October 2022
Geoff passed away on Tuesday the 3rd of January 2023 at 3.30pm. His wife Susan, son Robert and daughter Jane were with him.
WBro Geoff was also a member of the Three Counties Lodge No 9278 and very active in many degrees. I'm sure many will remember him as an icon of Masonry.
The funeral of WBro Geoff will be held on Friday 27th Jan at Nene Valley Crematorium at 11am. The wake will be at Wellingborough Bowls Club.
To avoid multiple emails hitting the family, could I please request that if you are planning on attending you notify Bro