Craft News

History at Ferraria Lodge

It was a very proud moment for one particular father at the Installation on Tuesday 22nd September 2022 at Ferraria Lodge, when for the very first time in Ferraria Lodge’s 50-year history, a Father installed his Son into the chair of King Solomon.

Mike Binsted Steve Seward Alec Morrison (SW) James Seward (WM) Mark Constant (JW) John Partridge William Casewell Barry Cole

WBro Steve Seward performed the Installation of his son Bro James Seward in what was a very moving and proud evening for them both. Bro James Seward installed his two new Wardens on the night; Bro A. Morrison and RWBro M. Constant, as well as other Officers of the Lodge.

W Bro J Seward with his wardens Bro Alec Morrison & RWBro Mark Constant