Craft News

Veterans Community Hub in Wellingborough

The Wellingborough Masonic Hall Centre in Mill Road has become the latest venue for an Armed Forces Veterans Community Hub arranged at several locations throughout Northamptonshire.

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WBro Bob Smith PAGDC with Cher from the Veterans Community Network

Struggling to find a venue in Wellingborough, the Veterans Community Network were put in touch with WBro Bob Smith via Bro Gerry McCrory from Northampton and permission for use of the Hall, then agreed via the Wellingborough Directors and House Committee.

Armed Forces Community Hubs  are for veterans who are having, or have had, difficulties, to pop in and get assistance and advice from various veterans organisations, including the DWP and to have a cup of tea and a chat. Advertised around the town and in Doctors surgeries, the hub is supported by Gordon Thomas, who is the Armed Forces Hub Facilitator for West Northants Council.

The first meeting in Wellingborough took place at the Masonic Hall on 21st September 2022 and will continue on a monthly basis through October and November with future dates to be agreed. In attendance was experienced adviser Sher, from the Veterans Community Network, who was able to assist and advise at least one veteran who attended.

Support for this work is provided by Freemasons as part of our Armed Forces Covenant.