From left, WBro Mike Caseman-Jones TD, PAGDC, APGM and WBro Tim Almond PAGDC, APGM
WBro Mike Caseman-Jones TD, PAGDC
Having been initiated into Weyland Lodge No. 6507 at Bicester in 1989, WBro Mike is a Past Master of St Edburg's plus three others. These include Tivoli Libris No 2150 in London and Waynflete Lodge No. 4452 in Brackley where he was installed as Master in 2001.
Mike was honoured with his first Provincial appointment to ProvGStwd in 2003. He then became ProvGSuptWks in 2007 and ProvAGSec in 2013, a role he served until being appointed ProvGSec in 2015.
Having been appointed as Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies in 2017, Mike served as ProvGSec till 2020.
Exalted into the Royal Arch in 1991, Mike is a PZ of both the St Edburg's and Waynflete Chapters. He received Provincial Grand Chapter appointments to PProvGSoj in 2015 and ProvGSwdB in 2020. He served as the latter till 2022.
Mike is also a member of Mark and Red Cross of Constantine. He was awarded active Grand Rank in the latter when he was made GStdB (L) in 2016.
Lt Col M.C.A. Caseman-Jones served with the Royal Military Police from 1983 until 1986 when he left the army to pursue a career with Thames Valley Police. He returned to the Armed Forces part-time in 1988 when he joined the TA, subsequently seeing active service in Iraq in 2006 and Afghanistan in 2008.
Married to Gail, a retired police officer, they have one daughter, Catherine who is a marine surveyor serving with the Royal Engineers Army Reserve, Derby, the 4th generation of her family to ‘take the shilling’.
A former rugby player, Mike is now resigned to watching the sport from his armchair, but he still enjoys the more sedate pastimes of playing badminton and Sunday cricket.
WBro Tim Almond PAGDC
Born in Heywood, Lancashire in 1954 and the eldest of seven children, Tim was introduced to Freemasonry in 1994 before being initiated into the Towcestrian Lodge No. 9510 a year later. He was installed as Worshipful Master of the Lodge in 2004.
Tim subsequently had the privilege of being appointed PProvGStwd in 2005 and ProvSGW in 2015. In 2019, he was honoured with a Grand Rank appointment to PAGDC.
Tim became a Founder of Silverstone Lodge No. 9877 in 2013, eventually becoming Master in 2014. WBro Tim is also a member of the Palmer Lodge of Provincial Grand Stewards No. 8995.
Having been exalted into the Royal Arch in 2000, Tim holds the rank of PProvDepGDC. He is a member of Chapter of Fidelity No. 445 and Chapter of First Principals No. 3422.
Tim is also a member of Mark, RAM, Royal & Select Masters, Rose Croix, and Red Cross of Constantine.
Tim studied Biochemistry at Aston University before gaining a Ph.D. in Cancer Immunology at Birmingham University.
He has worked in the pharmaceutical industry for many years, setting-up his first business in the field of clinical diagnostics and biomedical research in 2000.
Married to Penny, Tim has three grown-up children and has lived in Silverstone since 1996. His hobbies include scuba diving, international travel, and building kit-cars.
From left, WBro Tim Almond PAGDC, APGM; WBro Mike Caseman-Jones TD, PAGDC, APGM; RWBro Mark Constant PGM; and VWBro Charles Bennett PGSwdB, DPGM