Craft News

New Social Media Appointments

The Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Mark Constant has been delighted to confirm new appointments for Social Media within the Provincial Communications Committee, with the following brethren taking on responsibilities for the future:

Facebook – WBro. Reuben Freeman
Twitter – WBro. Dan Cooke
Instagram – Bro. James Prince

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We send grateful thanks to WBro John Fergusson for his excellent work in these areas over many years and hope to be able to call on his knowledge again in the future.

Our new Social Media group will liaise and work together to further develop our communications in these areas and also provide cover for each other in times of absence.

Chairman of the Provincial Communications Committee WBro Peter Robinson said;

We welcome Reuben, Dan and James to their new roles and have no doubt their collective knowledge and enthusiasm will be a great asset to the team.