Craft News

Provincial Grand Lodge & Three Counties Meetings - A Fitting Finale!

On Thursday the 19th of May 2022, the Province enjoyed a most successful annual meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge.

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The following week, on Wednesday the 25th of May, Three Counties Lodge No. 9278 held a similarly enjoyable and successful Past Rank Promotions meeting.

Both meetings held a special significance for our Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Max Bayes, as this is his eleventh and final year in office.

The meetings, which took place at Freemasons' Hall, The Griggs Centre, Sheaf Close, Northampton, were extremely well attended by Brethren from across the Province together with many representatives from neighbouring Provinces and beyond.

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Many brethren attended the festive board following the meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge
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At the meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge, the Provincial Grand Master took the opportunity to express his gratitude to the outgoing Assistant Provincial Grand Master, WBro Luigi Orsi PSGD, thanking him for four-years of outstanding service.

The Provincial Grand Master was then pleased to appoint, obligate, and invest WBro Mike Caseman-Jones TD, PAGDC as Assistant Provincial Grand Master for the ensuing year. Having served the Province with distinction as Provincial Grand Secretary from 2015 to 2020, WBro Mike was well-known and respected throughout the Province.

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From left, VWBro Charles Bennett (PGSwdB, DPGM), RWBro Max Bayes (PGM), WBro Mark Constant (PSGD, APGM), and WBro Mike Caseman-Jones TD (PAGDC, APGM)
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The Provincial Grand Master was also pleased to appoint WBro Mark Charteress as Provincial Senior Grand Warden and WBro Simon Perry as Provincial Junior Grand Warden. Following this, he took the opportunity to thank the outgoing Senior and Junior Grand Wardens, WBro Jonathon Hibbins and WBro Stephen Kingan, for their hard work and support during a very successful year.

The Provincial Grand Master then proceeded to appoint (or reappoint) those brethren who were receiving first or active appointments to Provincial Grand Rank.

This included the appointment of WBro Roger Blason as Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, WBro Dale Gilbert PAGDC having provided exemplary service in that role since 2016 for which the PGM also gave his grateful thanks.

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From left, WBro Paul Sparks (PAGDC, ProvGTreas), WBro Dale Gilbert (PAGDC, PProvGDC), WBro Jonathon Hibbins (PProvSGW), WBro Mark Charteress (ProvSGW), VWBro Charles Bennett (PGSwdB, DPGM), RWBro Max Bayes (PGM), WBro Mark Constant (PSGD, APGM), WBro Mike Caseman-Jones TD (PAGDC, APGM), WBro Simon Perry (ProvJGW), WBro Stephen Kingan (PProvJGW), and WBro Roger Blason (ProvGDC)
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The Three Counties Past Rank Promotions meeting saw many brethren who were the backbone of both the Province and their own lodges honoured with promotions to Past Provincial Grand Rank.

The Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Max Bayes, addressed the brethren at both meetings, reporting that the Province was in good heart. He went on to summarise the many significant developments and achievements that had taken place during his remarkable tenure.

During the festive board following the Three Counties meeting, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, VWBro Charles Bennett PGSwdB, was pleased to present the PGM with two gifts marking his forthcoming retirement on the 31st of May 2022.

The gifts, which were made possible following a collection from brethren across the Province, comprised an Omega watch and travel vouchers worth £3,000. The watch was chosen with the help of the PGM’s wife, Barbara.

Having expressed his surprise at receiving the gifts, the PGM said that they were most kind and expressed his gratitude to all those who had contributed.

He went on to say that he envisaged using the travel vouchers to visit his daughter in South Africa.

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The PGM concluded by wishing all the brethren an enjoyable summer and said that he was very much looking forward to the Installation of his successor, WBro Mark Constant PSGD, APGM on the 27th of July 2022.

On behalf of the Province, we once again thank our PGM, RWBro Max Bayes, for everything he has done during his 11-year tenure and wish him a long, restful, and happy retirement.

There can be no doubt that he’s earned it!