After the Closing of Socrates Lodge No. 373 on Tuesday the 15th of February 2022, Janice Benson was invited into the lodge-room to present a lectern in memory of her husband, the late WBro John Benson PJGD.
From left, Janice Benson, WBro Bev Bennett (Secretary) and WBro Thomas Cole (Worshipful Master)
The lectern was commissioned by Janice using the proceeds of a Memorial Day held for John in July 2021. It was always John’s intention to purchase a lectern for the building, but the lack of time and John’s failing health prevented him from doing so.
The beautiful solid oak lectern with a brass plaque and inlaid Square & Compasses was designed by John’s son-in-law, WBro Phillip Miles, and hand-crafted by a bespoke cabinet maker.
The lectern is intended for use by all within the Huntingdon centre and will be an ever-present reminder of a much loved, much missed, and much respected brother.