Craft News

An Introduction to Hermes

22 03 06 craft hermes ra logo

Those of us who have gazed over at the Secretary’s or Scribe E’s table when we are in the Temple may wonder at how the occupant of that office weaves his mystical magic to ensure that our meetings are properly prepared and run as smoothly as they often do. Until relatively recently, the clue has been the jewel of his office – two quill pens in saltire. The quill pen was not only their badge of office, it was their working tool. Well, the pen and a piece of paper, at least.

Then along came ADelphi and ADelphi II. In the latter part of the 20th Century, Freemasons in this country took a major leap forward and introduced – yes – a computer system to manage membership data. Technology has moved forward significantly since ADelphi II was introduced.

22 03 06 hermes icon

Enter Hermes.

Hermes, in Greek mythology is an Olympian deity. The herald of the Gods. He is able to move quickly and freely between the worlds of the mortal and the divine, aided by his winged sandals.

Think of your Secretary/Scribe E. Can you now see why the name Hermes was selected for our new administration system?

How does Hermes Work?

Hermes is a Web application specifically designed for all Lodges and Chapters under the jurisdiction of UGLE and SGC. It will enable Secretaries and Scribes E to manage their processes electronically and eliminate the need for most paper-based forms. The figure shown below depicts the relationship between the Adelphi and Hermes systems and the UGLE/SGC database:

22 03 06 hermes schematic

What will Hermes do for Secretaries/Scribes E?

Functions that will be managed through Hermes include:

Membership: Managing basic membership data (e.g., name, address, email address, telephone numbers); membership status; data extracts for mailing/emailing; submission of Installation Returns.

Journey: Tracking an individual from “contact” through candidate to membership; clearance certificates; an electronic Form P; Grand Lodge/Grand Chapter Certificates requests.

Financial Functions: Annual returns; all UGLE/SGC charges will in future be billed on Annual Returns, including registrations fees and dispensations; payments both electronic and by cheque.

Data Analytics: Attendances, resignations, recapture, participation in ceremonies.

Additional Functions: Generation of wording for summons to comply with the Book of Constitutions; post meeting reports; generation of dispensation requests.

Hermes comes equipped with an extensive “Help Hub”, which is designed to help users complete the work they need to. There is likewise a “Support System” to escalate any issues Secretaries and Scribes E have been unable to resolve themselves. There are also a number of training webinars recorded for viewing at users’ leisure.


Our Craft and Royal Arch Provinces have been designated for implementation of Hermes during February and March. The month of February will be taken up with the Provincial Steering Group being trained and becoming familiar with Hermes.

The date for full implementation across all Craft Lodges and Royal Arch Chapters is 1st April 2022.

A Craft and Royal Arch Steering Group, headed by WBro Mark Constant PSGD, AsstProvGM (PGStB, P3rdProvGPrin RA) has been working towards the release of Hermes. Other members of the Steering Group are:

  • WBro William Diggins ProvGSec
  • WBro John Fergusson PAGPurs, PMO
  • WBro Simon Key ProvGReg
  • WBro Malcolm Saxby PPGSuptWks
  • E Comp Derek Pearson PGStB, 3rdProvGPrin
  • E Comp Mike Binsted PGStB, ProvGSE

The purpose of the Steering Group is to ensure that the Hermes roll-out is successful and seamless.

Information in the form of short information videos and documents are already being used to help users work towards full implementation.

WBro Mark Constant said:

I never cease to be impressed with the commitment and diligence of our Craft Secretaries and Royal Arch Scribes E. Hermes presents us with the opportunity to help them deliver their key roles by eliminating unnecessary paperwork and processes by taking advantage of the latest technology has to offer Freemasonry and our membership. I am sure all of us are looking forward to the real benefits it will bring in streamlining the administration of our units.