Brethren attending the meeting of Ceres Lodge No. 6977 held on Wednesday the 12th of January 2022 were thrilled to witness WBro James Turney PPGReg receive a certificate marking his 50-years of service to Freemasonry. The certificate was presented by WBro Kevin Williams PAGDC, the official representative of the Provincial Grand Master.
Coming from a prominent and very respected farming family, WBro James farmed in the Burton Latimer area. His two brothers, William and Paul farmed nearby. James now enjoys his retirement living in Shropshire.
James was initiated into Ceres Lodge on an “Olde English Night” that took place on the 13th of January 1971. He subsequently progressed through the lodge-offices before becoming Worshipful Master in 1985.
James was exalted into Royal Arch on the 27th of September 1973 when he joined Northampton Chapter No. 360.
As a family, James and his two brothers were always very supportive both in lodge and at the festive board.
Accordingly, as a most respected member of the Lodge, the lodge-brethren were exceedingly proud to witness James receive his Golden Jubilee Certificate on the occasion of an official visit.
We congratulate WBro James on his achievement and wish him many more happy years in Freemasonry.
With grateful thanks to WBro Steve Peskett