Craft News

Christmas Cheer for Re:store Northampton from De la Pre Lodge

It has long been a tradition for De la Pre Lodge No. 1911 in Northampton to make a donation in support of those who find themselves in difficult circumstances at Christmas. Past donations have included money and toys.

In order that the donation can be made at the appropriate time, the relevant proposal is always dealt with at the Lodge’s installation meeting in November, and it is now part of the tradition for visitors to add generously to the total.

This year was no exception. The Lodge voted to make a donation of £250 to Re:store Northampton (registered charity no. 1154625), which was topped up to £520 with some generous individual donations.

In addition to running a family Christmas appeal, Re:store Northampton operates a food bank, crisis support program, and a range of practical community-support initiatives across Northampton.

A week after the meeting, WBro David Turner, Master of the Lodge, and WBro Ron Reid, the Lodge’s charity steward, visited the charity’s headquarters in Sheep St, Northampton where they presented the donation to fundraising manager, Alex Turtle.

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From left, WBro David Turner, Alex Turtle, and WBro Ron Reid

Alex was thrilled with the donation and wished all Northampton Masons the very best for the festive season.