Dreamdrops is a Huntingdonshire children’s charity whose aim is to make the hospital-stays of sick children and their families less stressful by providing those little extras not funded by the NHS.
Local Freemasons have teamed-up to help Dreamdrops in their latest campaign and are looking for unwanted laptops and tablets to be recycled for use by schoolchildren during their studies.
WBro Mike Nixon, Charity Steward of Sothius Lodge No. 8774, is providing a link with the Charity for donations to this appeal whist WBro Mick Marks of Euston Lodge No. 2283 is providing the technical expertise necessary to clean the donated devices and make them ready for reuse.
The recent Government announcement regarding education-at-home has made this a very important campaign particularly as many children from poorer backgrounds do not have access to the equipment needed for online learning.
If anyone has a laptop or tablet they would like to donate to this appeal, they should contact WBro Mike or WBro Mick via the Provincial office using the Contact Form. Alternatively, they can contact Dreamdrops directly via the following link: