Last December (2020), WBro Steve Mills presented a cheque for £500 to Cynthia Spencer Hospice on behalf of Grey Friars Lodge No. 4990.
WBro Steve, who is now Lodge Almoner, had chosen the hospice as one the charities to receive the Lodge’s financial support during his year as Master in 2018/19.
Steve chose the hospice in memory of his father and his brother-in-law who both received excellent care and support from the wonderful Cynthia Spencer staff.
The handover should have happened at the hospice some time ago with some of the other Grey Friars brethren in attendance. This presentation was delayed in the hope that it could take place at the end of the COVID-19 pandemic.
When it was clear that the end of the pandemic was still some way away, Steve was forced to make the presentation himself whilst wearing suitable attire and maintaining appropriate social distancing.
Sarah O’Connor, the Hospice’s charity administrator, sent a delightful thank-you letter to the Lodge saying that the contribution would enable them to provide support to more local people and their families when they needed it most.
The vital services of the hospice are only made possible by the generosity of the local community, which provides 30p of every £1 the Hospice spends on care.