Thanks to the fantastic work of a number of volunteers who gave their time and expertise free of charge; also, the tireless management committee led by Senior Group Officer WBro Jim Spence PAGDC, the Corby Masonic Complex has undergone significant refurbishment.
The Centre's Masonic shop has been relocated
Thanks to the time freely given, the works completed thus far have involved minimal costs:
- The roof has undergone temporary repairs, which seem to be holding good even after the recent stormy weather
- The bar has been decorated and the layout of the tables adjusted to accommodate social distancing
- The kitchen corridor has been decorated
- The kitchen and cellar have been repaired and decorated
- The foyer and toilet-corridor have been decorated
- The shop has been relocated to the storeroom. It has been decorated and a screen erected to separate it from the back storeroom.
- The anteroom has been decorated
- The carpark has been relined
- The fire-exit and area at the rear of the complex has been weeded and sprayed with weedkiller
- The gutters have been cleared
- The broken screeding at the entrance to the complex has been relaid
- A COVID safety-plan has been implemented with appropriate signage and hand-sanitizers
The planned works are now largely complete, and the Centre is in a position to restart Masonic activity whenever it is deemed safe to do so
WBro Rob Pinkerton (left) and WBro Dave Genner administering some TLC to the ceiling!
- Internal Decorations – WBro Rob Pinkerton.
- Gardening – WBros David Docherty and Richie Richards.
- Guttering and Entrance Floor – WBro Aaron Devenney and Bro Kenny Keys.
- Roof and General Maintenance – WBros Bill McGillivray , Dave Genner and Ronnie Stone.
- Thanks to WBro Peter Chown, WBro Derrick Stringer and Bro Ian Fullerton for their help in finishing the project.
- And a big thank you to the anonymous brother who paid for the carpark to be relined!
WBro Jim Spence PAGDC preparing to resume his role as shopkeeper!
We acknowledge the outstanding work undertaken by the aforementioned volunteers and the management committee led by WBro Jim Spence.
Their efforts will ensure that events held at Corby Masonic Centre will continue to occupy a very special place in the hearts and minds of all those who meet there and visit.