Notwithstanding the COVID-19 pandemic, the run-up to Xmas this year was an especially special one for WBro Ken Mallows PPSGW as it also marked his 60-year membership of our wonderful fraternity.
WBro Ken Mallows PPSGW with his wife, Thelma
Having been initiated into John Pyel Lodge No. 5195 on the 20th of December 1960, WBro Ken was passed to the 2nd Degree on the 22nd March 1961 and raised to the 3rd Degree on the 21st of November 1961. He became Master of the Lodge on the 19th of September 1972.
After leaving the Chair of King Solomon, Ken held a number of offices including many years as Chaplain.
His ritual always won plaudits from Lodge members and visitors alike. As Chaplain, his orations were consistently moving and delivered with true feeling.
Ken's work in the Lodge and further afield was first recognised by Province when he was appointed as an active Provincial Grand Steward in 1974. He was subsequently promoted to PPGReg in 1978, PPJGW in 1990 and PPSGW in 1996.
In addition to being a member a John Pyel Lodge, WBro Ken also became a founding member of Palmer Lodge of Provincial Grand Stewards No. 8995 in 1981 eventually becoming Master in 1989.
The current Master of John Pyel Lodge, WBro Kris Roberts ProvGPurs, remarked on Ken's popularity and level of standing amongst old and new members alike.
In normal circumstances, the presentation of WBro Ken's Diamond Jubilee certificate in Lodge would have been a joyous occasion indeed. Unfortunately, the current restrictions have prevented his from happening.
Thankfully, we have it on good authority that the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Max Bayes (another member of John Pyel Lodge), is poised to present the certificate in Lodge at the earliest opportunity.
WBro Ken and the PGM originally met through work and have been good friends for many years. WBro Ken was fortunate to be present at the PGM's initiation.
We congratulate WBro Ken on his fantastic achievement and have no doubt that he, the PGM, and the other members of John Pyel Lodge will celebrate in style once the COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted.