Medeshamstede Lodge No. 6104 recently held another successful (and approved!) online Festive Board.
Notwithstanding that there are some restrictions at these events, toasts to the Master and visitors, together with their responses, are allowed and very much welcome.
Not only is this great practice for new members, it helps to keep them involved and boost their confidence, all of which are very important.
Each Festive Board finishes with 60-second game on a given subject during which there must be no hesitation, repetition, or the giving of lists. This has proven to be most enjoyable and very amusing!
Date of Next Festive Board
Visiting brethren are welcome to attend the next Medeshamstede Festive Board, which is to be held at 7pm on Wednesday the 23rd September.
The details needed to join this online event are contained in the Provincial Membership Officer's weekly newsletters. These are sent to lodge secetaries and can also be viewed under the Provincial Correspondence section of the online document library:
- Provincial Correspondence (members only)