On Thursday the 16th July 2020, WBro Ged Dempsey was both delighted and honoured to represent The 3 Pillars - Feeding the Homeless Trust at a meeting of the Light Project Peterborough attended by HRH The Duke of Cambridge.
The meeting took place at the The Garden House.
In their blog, the Light Project wrote:
What an amazing few weeks we have had at Light Project Peterborough! We have been so thrilled to support more people move off the streets into temporary accommodation, see many receive much needed mental health support, see people get work for the first time in many years and excitingly see others getting the keys to their new/for life homes!
But, the icing was truly put on the cake with a visit to our work, at the Garden House by HRH The Duke of Cambridge! A true honour for all the hard work that has been going on both recently through the pandemic and since we opened the Garden House in 2018.
During the pandemic we have supported over 150 people in 4 different hotels, kept the Garden House open as the only bastion of support for people on the streets in Peterborough and prepared a new multi-agency community support team to help people keep their homes, soon to be started!
Everyone has really worked their ‘socks’ off, as keyworkers for one of the most vulnerable groups of people in society; those sleeping on the streets. HRH spent over an hour with us to hear of our work and say a big thank you to everyone involved.
A group of those we have supported (our guests) were able to join us and share their personal stories of change. Heart strings were tugged as they shared some painful life journeys, but smiles returned as aspirations and hopes for brighter futures in new homes were shared.
During the visit, Light Project Peterborough staff and volunteers were joined by some of our partners, so that all those involved over the past few months were able to give an account of how they have contributed to the work in these challenging times.
The passion of front line staff and volunteers who have given so much practical support and encouragement was evident. The Duke heard from registered social landlords who are now working much closer together because of the pandemic. Other organisations were able to tell of how much practical input with food and much needed supplies they have helped us with to ensure no one has gone hungry or been in need.
It truly was a great day in our journey at Light Project Peterborough. The Garden House provided the most amazing setting and a genuine interest and passion from HRH to help people move off the streets was clear for all to hear and see.
Our hopes are that this wonderful day will raise awareness and support for people who find themselves in the desperate situation of nowhere to call home. Do sign up to our newsletter below and please consider financially supporting our work here.
(All photographs credit: Kirsty Wigglesworth)