Craft News

£1k Grant for Crick Good Neighbours Scheme

The Crick Good Neighbours scheme was created two-years ago to help people of all ages who live within the Crick Parish boundary.

The scheme now has almost 40-volunteers, many of whom have given their time over the last few months to help those affected by the Coronavirus pandemic.

One of the volunteers, Julie (pictured below), is heavily involved in the distribution of food.

20 07 03 crick good neighbours

Typically, Julie travels to Nether Heyford to pick-up up food-boxes containing tinned and dried goods, which she brings back to Crick. The Good Neighbours scheme then adds fresh items such as eggs, burgers and sausages.

Julie said:

The people that I deliver food to are so grateful. One woman even said that this service had been a lifesaver for her. It’s really nice to be part of an organisation that does good things for local people and helps to make a difference in their lives.

Funding for the scheme has come from grants and donations from businesses and individuals.

Recently, a grant of £1,000 funded by local Freemasons was made to the scheme. The grant was organised by the Provincial Grand Charity Steward, WBro Gerry Crawford.

COVID-19 Fund

WBro Gerry said:

As part of the local community, Freemasons have been doing their bit during this terrible coronavirus crisis. It is a great credit to community groups such as Crick Good Neighbours that they have risen magnificently to the extra demands of the crisis. We are therefore pleased to support their terrific work with this grant.

The Chair of Crick Good Neighbours, Sue Maguire, added:

We are incredibly grateful for this wonderful grant which will initially be used to help households in the village who are struggling to afford fresh food for themselves. Any money remaining once life returns to near-normal will be used for an ambitious project supporting men's mental health and wellbeing within the village. This grant and the many other kind donations received will enable us to become even better neighbours.