Craft News

Petriburg and PGC Support For Nene Valley Care Trust

On Tuesday the 14th of January 2020, WBro David Burton, Past Assistant Provincial Grand Master and Senior Peterborough Group Officer, was pleased to present a cheque for £2,000 to Lady Anne Arculus, Founder Trustee of The Nene Valley Care Trust.

The donation was jointly funded by Petriburg Lodge No. 8767 and the Provincial Grand Charity.

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From left, Denis Chamberlain, Sir David Arculus, Angela Macdougall, Annie Chamberlain, WBro David Burton PAPGM, Lady Anne Arculus (NVCT Trustee), WBro Jonathon Shelton (Petriburg Lodge PM), WBro Graham Casey (Petriburg Lodge WM), WBro Mervin Roberts (Petriburg Lodge Charity Steward), and Quentin Macdougall (NVCT Trustee and Treasurer)

The Nene Valley Care Trust (NVCT) is an independent registered charity that works in partnership with Northamptonshire County Council and Peterborough City Council to provide education, training, accommodation and jobs for young people leaving local authority care in Peterborough and the wider Nene Valley area.

The Trust is independently funded with no help from the state.

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Lady Arculus thanked WBro David and his fellow brethren their continued support. She explained:

We are very much a local charity, which every year aims to give 10 young-people in Peterborough and 15-more in the wider Nene Valley area the practical help and guidance they need in lieu of the normal family love and guidance that they lack. We give the help the state cannot afford to give. This generous donation from Petriburg Lodge and the Provincial Grand Charity is both welcome and greatly appreciated. It, together with every other donation we receive, will go directly to helping young people.

Lady Arculus further commented that the Trust would be very pleased to hear from anyone who could assist then in their aim to provide support to disadvantaged young people trying to make their own way in the world.

For further information, please visit the Trust's website: